06 - Victoria Business Park
The Victoria Business Park is identified as a priority for improvement to support the aspiration of the Townwide Strategy and Neighbourhood Plan to improve walking and cycling links because it is the major employment area in Burgess Hill and therefore a key location for trip generation. The proposals have been developed to create better links within the business park itself and to / from adjacent areas and to enhance links to existing and proposed cycle facilities including the Western Gateway, Burgess Hill Town Centre and the ‘Green Circle’ route running roughly parallel to the A273.
The concept proposals would predominantly be contained within the public highway and are designed to reflect current West Sussex County Council cycle design guidance. However, there are a number of areas where it may be necessary to investigate options for the use of third-party land for the delivery of specific elements of the proposals after the public engagement.
The concept proposals were subject to public engagement in May and June 2020 and have been developed further following this engagement to prepare preliminary designs that will be subject to further public engagement before being finalised through detailed design.
The proposals would:
- Improve and widen of existing links, including existing Public Rights of Way to provide shared use pedestrian and cycle links into the Business Park from adjacent land uses;
- Widen existing footways adjacent to key routes within the Business Park to provide shared use pedestrian and cycle routes;
- Provide dropped kerb and cycle infrastructure for safe, continuous movement across side road junctions;
- Improve links and crossings to the London Road and A273 Jane Murray Way to provide connectivity to the wider area including the Green Circle, Burgess Hill town centre and Railway Station and Townwide Green Links.
- Enhance the accessibility to bus stops of employees of the business park and for residents in the surrounding area.
- The concept proposals would seek to minimise the impact on the existing parking provision within the Business Park. However, there are likely to be some areas where some restrictions would need to be considered to ensure the safety of pedestrian and cycle users. These would be investigated through subsequent design.
The Western Gateway scheme was subject to public engagement May – June 2020. Details can be found here.
Latest Projects

Better Links To Your Town Centre
The £21.8m package of transport improvements for the town centre will help create more sustainable transport measures, improve connectivity, congestion and journey times. This will include improved access arrangements for Burgess Hill and Wivelsfield train stations as well as new and improved cycle routes across town.

Upgrading Road Infrastructure
A £23m investment into the A2300 will help drive forward the new high-tech corridor of business park developments by widening and upgrading this main access route into Burgess Hill from the A23. These improvements will help relieve congestion and also help provide a better onward link to the wider south east region.