08 - The Triangle Leisure Centre
The scheme is selected as a priority area for improvement to support the aspiration of the Townwide Strategy and Neighbourhood Plan to improve walking and cycling links and because:
- The importance of the site as a busy leisure facility (attracting some 820,000 visits per year) and as a through-route for residents;
- facilities at and around the site underperform for those wishing to travel to the site on foot, bike or by public transport:
- The level of activity at the Triangle Leisure Centre is predicted to grow significantly due to the continuing popularity of the facility and increased demand from local housing and employment growth.
The proposals, due for completion by spring 2023, will improve access to and the site from the east of the site and include measure to:
- Improve the route between Sussex Way and the Leisure Centre including wayfinding;
- Install a new (uncontrolled) crossing on Sussex Way to the south of Howard Way;
- Tie the scheme in with links and crossings coming forward through the Northern Arc development and with completed Green Link schemes.
Future improvements seek to improve facilities at and across the site and improve access from adjacent areas. The concept scheme consulted upon in May 2020 will be developed further and will be subject to further public engagement and includes measures to:
- Prioritise pedestrian and cyclist movements to and across the site;-
- Potentially relocate the bus stop to the main entrance area and to install live bus timetables inside the centre to help encourage use;
- Create significantly more covered and secure cycle parking facilities;-
- Potentially improve the street scene along Sussex Way including the planting of trees and widening of verges and narrow the road carriageway to encourage lower traffic speeds.
The scheme will be delivered in phases. The concept design of the scheme also considers proposals to expand the car park and increase artificial sports pitch provision at the site to cater for increased demand.
The improvement scheme was subject to public engagement May – June 2020. Details can be found here.
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