
Brookleigh will provide 3,500 new homes in an environmentally sustainable community in Mid Sussex. 30% of all homes at Brookleigh will be affordable housing, and the creation of new community and leisure facilities such as schools and parks will be complemented by a network of green spaces. This network will have the important positive impact of creating habitats for native British wildlife and Homes England have committed to providing a 23% biodiversity net gain across the site.

A drone image of the Bellway homes at Fallow Wood View


The multi-million pound flagship development at Brookleigh is being brought forward by Homes England and their development partners. The involvement of Homes England brings certainty for local residents that the supporting infrastructure will be delivered at the right time.

A drone image of the Western Link Road and site for the Arc Centre for Sports

Plan of Brookleigh

The outline planning application was approved by Mid Sussex District Council in October 2019. Brookleigh will deliver approximately 3,500 new homes, 30 per cent of which will be affordable. The new homes will be built alongside new community facilities including three neighbourhood centres, three new schools and employment opportunities. The development will ensure easy access to public transport and walking and cycling routes.

You can view this approved planning application by searching DM/18/5114 on Mid Sussex District Council’s planning register at

Other recent planning approvals that can also be accessed via Mid Sussex District Council’s planning register can be found on our Planning Applications page.

If you have any questions please visit our FAQs page. You can find further information about Homes England and their other projects at

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Phone: Hannah Alton on 07884246763

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