Kings Way – Persimmon

Alongside a new access from Kings Way, the site will include a new neighbourhood centre and up to 18 hectares of high quality and accessible open space including a new park, landscape buffer and pedestrian and cycle green routes.
A detailed application for the first phase containing 78 homes was approved in February 2015 and the properties have now been completed. In February 2017, 95 homes in phase 2 were approved and work is currently well underway on the delivery of these homes. Further phases to reach 480 new homes in total are also underway with Phase 3 complete and Phase 4 under development.
You can find further information about Persimmon Homes, and their other projects by clicking here.
Latest Projects

Fairbridge Way – Ilke Homes
The Fairbridge Way site will provide up to 325 homes (30% affordable) as part of the overall plans for the Northern Arc. It will include a wide range of house types and tenures to cater for housing demand in the local area, as well as providing connections to the wider development.

Keymer Tiles – Croudace
The masterplan for the 19-hectare site will include 475 new homes (30% affordable). Alongside new vehicle access onto Kings Way, Wyvern Way and Curf Way; the site will also deliver community leisure, health and retail facilities as well as a new park for local residents.

The Brookleigh has been identified by Burgess Hill Town Council and Mid Sussex District Council as a strategic site suitable for up to 3,500 new homes (30% affordable) and employment space as well as delivering all supporting social and transport infrastructure.