Fairbridge Way – Ilke Homes
The Fairbridge Way site, has been purchased by Ilke Homes who utilises Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), with the dwellings constructed off site (in the applicants’ factory) and transferred to site in modular form, for final installation.
The Fairbridge Way site is a former water treatment works site and will provide 307 homes, which Ilke intend to deliver as 100% affordable in tandem with their development partner, Places for People as part of the overall plans for the Burgess Hill Strategic Growth Programme. It will include a wide range of house types and tenures to cater for housing demand in the local area. The proposed method of construction will enable quicker delivery and sustainability improvements over traditional methods, and it is anticipated that construction on site will start summer 2022. Ilke Homes will also be making substantial contributions towards sports provision, local community infrastructure, sustainable transport improvements and education, all of which will be realised off-site.
Latest Projects
Kings Way – Persimmon
The Kings Way site will deliver 480 new homes, (30% affordable). Alongside a new access from Kings Way, the site will include a new neighbourhood centre and up to 18 hectares of high quality and accessible open space including a new park, landscape buffer and pedestrian and cycle green routes.
The Kings Way site will deliver 480 new homes, (30% affordable). Alongside a new access from Kings Way, the site will include a new neighbourhood centre and up to 18 hectares of high quality and accessible open space including a new park, landscape buffer and pedestrian and cycle green routes.
Keymer Tiles – Croudace
The masterplan for the 19-hectare site will include 475 new homes (30% affordable). Alongside new vehicle access onto Kings Way, Wyvern Way and Curf Way; the site will also deliver community leisure, health and retail facilities as well as a new park for local residents.
The masterplan for the 19-hectare site will include 475 new homes (30% affordable). Alongside new vehicle access onto Kings Way, Wyvern Way and Curf Way; the site will also deliver community leisure, health and retail facilities as well as a new park for local residents.
The Brookleigh has been identified by Burgess Hill Town Council and Mid Sussex District Council as a strategic site suitable for up to 3,500 new homes (30% affordable) and employment space as well as delivering all supporting social and transport infrastructure.
The Brookleigh has been identified by Burgess Hill Town Council and Mid Sussex District Council as a strategic site suitable for up to 3,500 new homes (30% affordable) and employment space as well as delivering all supporting social and transport infrastructure.