Upgrading Road Infrastructure

You can see a drive through of the plans here
A2300 improvements
The £23m investment to improve the A2300 supports the progression of a new high-tech corridor of business park developments and the Brookleigh housing development, through the widening and upgrading this main access route into Burgess Hill from the A23. These improvements will help relieve congestion and provide a better connection to and from the M23, M25 and wider South East region.
In 2011, Mid Sussex District Council’s Transport Study identified that the A2300 would require improvements to increase its capacity to support the planned development in Burgess Hill. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) subsequently commissioned a feasibility study to explore possible improvement options.
Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (C2C LEP) identified Burgess Hill as a priority in its 2014 Strategic Economic Plan with the objective of generating economic growth through housing and employment.
Preparation work for the project began in 2017 and the site work started in April 2020. The completed project was officially opened by the West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport in April 2022.
The £23m project was jointly funded by the Department for Transport through a £17m award through the C2CLEP Local Growth Deal, developer’s contributions and WSCC capital funding.
The project has delivered:
- A two-lane dual carriageway
- Junction upgrades
- New and improved pedestrian and cycle path linking the National Cycle Network Route 20 and the Brookleigh development
- The work is also facilitating the full fibre connection as part of a ‘dig once’ plan where close working between the WSCC Project Team and MSDC Full Fibre Team ensuring the infrastructure will be put in place as part of improved connectivity (you can see more about Full Fibre on this page).
The proposed scheme also provides opportunities for more journeys to be made by cycling and walking through the provision of:
- a 3m-wide shared use footpath and cycle path on the north-side between the A23 and the proposed Brookleigh roundabout
- Bridleway access to the existing A2300 Overbridge, which will provide for traffic free crossing of the A2300 in line with wider Public Rights of Way improvements being delivered through the Brookleigh and Place and Connectivity Programme.
- a 2.5m-wide shared use footpath and cycle path on the south-side of the A2300 between the A23 and Pookbourne Lane/Stairbridge Lane junction and also between Bishopstone Lane and Cuckfield Road roundabout.
The Brookleigh development will deliver a new spine road between the upgraded A2300 and the A273 Isaac’s Lane across the development to provide additional road capacity in the local area. Finally, new schools and other social infrastructure including high quality pedestrian and cycle corridors within the Brookleigh development and linking with a wider pedestrian and cycle network will also help reduce travel demand during peak times.
Latest Projects

Better Links To Your Town Centre
The £21.8m package of transport improvements for the town centre will help create more sustainable transport measures, improve connectivity, congestion and journey times. This will include improved access arrangements for Burgess Hill and Wivelsfield train stations as well as new and improved cycle routes across town.